How to Become an Industry Leader


Why Do You Want To Become An Industry Leader?

According to 21 Handshake, “Leadership simply means taking your knowledge and experience and sharing it with the world. As one of the industry thought leaders, your clients, leads, and competition look to you as a true authority. ” One great reason to become an industry leader is to gain the respect of customers and competitors. You will be the go-to for any questions that the world might need answers for regarding your industry. This will, in turn, help with your ROI and referrals. As an industry leader, your business name and brand will be known by everyone.

Steps To Becoming An Industry Leader

Be Innovative

The first step to becoming an industry leader is making sure that your company is innovative. This means that you have come up with a product or service that no one else is doing or that no one else is doing in the same way. It might be something small that is a variation to an item already in the industry, or it might be your entire product or service that is new to an industry. If the latter is the case, this means that you’re the only company out there that has this service or product. Thereby, you become an industry leader by default. If you have come up with a new product or service or a variation on an existing product or service, you have to know all there is to know about it. One great example of an innovative company is BILT. They have developed an app that houses 3D Product Assembly Instructions for a wide variety of companies.

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Be Visible and Accessible

The next step is extremely imperative to becoming an industry leader. You must make your company visible to customers. Identifying your target audience is the first part of this step. You won’t always be able to reach EVERYONE. However, you must decide to whom you would like to be seen first as an industry leader. Target those customers digitally, whether they be other companies or consumers. Then, build a relationship with them. To do this, you must be accessible. They must be able to easily communicate with you and you must be responsive. Be active on social media. Create a blog that will answer questions that the target audience might have. According to Forbes, many companies are coming up with engagement programs for their customers, not to get more money from them, but to simply add value into their lives. An industry leader cares about their customers.

Be A Student

Industry leaders are students of their craft. Study the great success and failures of your industry. Also, learn from people outside of your industry to see which principles are transferable to what you’re doing. I know the phrase “never stop learning” is nothing new, but are you really practicing it?”


As a business, you might have great successes or large failures. Either way, make sure to remain a student. Learn from everything that you experience and turn that knowledge into expertise. Don’t give up. If your company is innovative, cares about your customers, and continues learning, you will become an industry leader.